PROJECTS EVALUATION AND SUPPORT (Geology - Mining - Geometallurgy - Geotechnics - Engineering LB)
Discipline: GEOLOGY
- Services: Geological Models - Estimation of Mineral Resources and Reserves
- Specialized Reports like JORC – SK1300 – NI 43-101
- Regional Geology and Definition of Exploration Stages
- Geometallurgy: Numerical Models
- OP & UG Mine Geology and Data Science
- Reviews and Audits (High Level Review and Due Diligence)
- Academic Support and Workshops for Companies (Qa / Qc; Geometallurgy and Applied Geostatistics; Fundamentals for Mineral Resources).
- Services: Design of open pit slopes. Levels of conceptual studies, pre-feasibility, feasibility, operations and closure
- Geotechnical research and laboratory testing program.
- Geotechnical modeling (geological, structural, rock mass and hydrogeological model).
- Structural and resistance domain - Structural Analysis and Kinematic Analysis.
- Rock mass analysis: limit equilibrium method.
- Sensitivity analysis of inter-ramp slopes and Generation of geotechnical sectors.
- Slope monitoring and geotechnical risk assessment program.
- Stability analysis development
- It includes stability analysis in the waste rock deposit, tailings dam, leach pads, foundations of process plants. Levels of conceptual studies, pre-feasibility, feasibility, operations and closure.
- Geotechnical research and laboratory testing program.
- Physical stability analysis.
- Mining infrastructure foundation analysis.
- Slope monitoring program.
- Geotechnical research and laboratory testing program.
- Interpretation and structural analysis.
- Geotechnical modeling (geological, structural, rock mass and hydrogeological model).
- Geomechanical zoning
- Underground stability analysis.
- Obtaining permits, authorizations and licenses for the use of groundwater from Government Entities.
- Research and evaluation of hydrogeological resources as a component of baseline studies, environmental impact, rehabilitation, closure and post-closure.
- Development of hydrogeology workshops for the communities involved in mining projects, in Spanish and Quechua, as a basis for the presentations and approval of Public Hearings.
- Geophysical investigation for the identification of hydrogeological resources and evaluations of karst hydrogeology.
- Exploration and evaluation of groundwater for sustainable supply and/or mine drainage.
- Mine and processing plant water balance.
- Development of conceptual model and numerical modeling of transport and flow.
- Aquifers management and monitoring in industrial and mining areas.
- Research and management control for extraction, storage, recharge and recovery of aquifers.
- Mine closure evaluations, both for open pits, underground workings, waste dumps, tailings and other infrastructures.
- Hydrology
- Upper and lower basin systems hydrological analysis.
- Evaluación de suministro de aguas superficiales.
- Evaluation of sustainability and hydrological impacts.
- Surface water calculation and balance.
- Development of conceptual models and numerical models based on availability analysis and water management.
- Hydrogeochemical
- Environment and Permits
- Risk workshops and applications.
- Signed documents; Calculation Memory; Blueprints; Process and single-line diagrams of:
- Civil Engineering
- Soil Geomechanics
- Electromechanical Engineering
- Ingeniería de Geomensura
- Surface and subsurface water pumping piping engineering
- Electrical power engineering
- Planimetry development and generation of blueprints in autocad or other software